Our House and Program
ABC House

The ABC Strath Haven House is a beautiful Victorian-era home tucked in the heart of Swarthmore. The home is owned by its neighbor, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, which provides the home and contributes to its capital improvements and upkeep for a nominal rent.The house is designed to accommodate two resident directors, two resident tutors, and eight students. Each student has a separate study space with desk and computer.In 2013 and 2014, extensive renovations were done to the first and second floors of the house. Thanks to the generosity of many foundations, corporations, and individuals, significant capital improvements were made including new lighting, insulation, electrical, plumbing, windows, hardwood flooring, kitchen cabinets, countertops, appliances, and much more.
The scholars and staff are responsible for the upkeep of the house and have weekly chores. All scholars and staff eat home cooked, nutritious dinners together, family-style, four times per week. Scholars have mandatory Study Hall five nights a week and spend every other Sunday with their Host Families.
Our Program
Corey H.
Corey H.

A video profile of one of our awesome Scholars.